Grab my brand new up-to-the-minute book

‘AI for Small Businesses in 2024 – A Beginner’s Guide’

including over 250 AI prompts to get you started telling your AI what you want it to do!



Brand New From Noel Maurice

Brand New Book ‘AI for Small Businesses in 2024’ will get you from 0 to 100 in under a week…

..Even if you know NOTHING about AI…


Hey, great that you’re here!

If you want to get a grasp on just what AI is and how to implement it in your business (even if you haven’t gone near ChatGPT or any other AI ever before), this will be the most important book you’ll ever read.

But first: a warning

When AI burst onto the scene in 2023 with the launch of ChatGPT, it seemed too good to be true. Lots of people dived in to try it out, and were amazed that you could write into the box something like “write a 1,000 word article on the benefits of frying pans” and ChatGPT would in seconds produce a thousand words on just that thing.

Which led to a whole bunch of people doing things like conjuring up multiple 1,000 word articles and putting them out on the internet, in their blog, etc; and everyone was happy.

At least until a few months later, when people slowly began to realise that the market was flooded with similar-sounding, vague, wordy and somewhat over-intellectual content, that just somehow didn’t ring so true after all.

That’s why: AI is amazing. But it’s not a magic button. It’s more of a tool – an incredible tool; but still just a tool, that you have know how to use, to get the best from it; that you have to work with and do a bit of back-and-forth with it.

Whether you’re creating content with it, getting it to give you business ideas, or whatever. Yes, you still have to think, come up with ideas, and be ready to put some effort in. Sorry 🙂

Which is why I give you this proviso: this book will get you from zero to a hundred with AI for business, very quickly. It’s not complicated; the book is not long; but just remember that you have to be prepared to put some work in.

There’s tons more AI tools now than just ChatGPT: and we’re here to help you figure out which is best for you

This is dramatically different from any other book about AI for business out there – why?

Because I talk in plain language, I avoid jargon, and I walk you through the world of AI for business in a way that’s clear and easy to understand: for everyone, and most of all, the ideas put forth in it are extremely simple to implement.

There’s no fluff or filler. It immediately gets down to brass tacks, showing you exactly

what to do,

– how to do it, and

– why.

And at just 52 pages (plus another 50 pages of the AI prompts I’m giving you), you can read it in a weekend.

And you’ll immediately grasp the entire methodology I have personally used to implement AI in my business, and in the businesses of others, cutting the time to do a lot of annoying tasks down to 5 or 10% of the time it took before.

Here’s just a fraction of what’s inside and what it might mean for you:

    • What ‘AI’ actually is; how it came about; and how we got to where we are today


    • The myths and misconceptions of AI and what the truth is instead


    • Laying the groundwork – the beginning of your AI journey


    • The best and most useful AI tools and platforms to get you started (100% up to date)


    • Implementing AI into your business (step by step…)


    • Exploring ethical AI – why AI isn’t just some black box


    • Wrapping it up and setting you on your way


  • Links to further resources, tools, and a bunch more prompts


The fact is that we’re right at the beginning of the AI revolution; and if you don’t get on board now, you’ll be left behind.
I don’t want to sound like I’m being over-dramatic or like I’m trying to use scare tactics to persuade you to buy my book.

But the world is very quickly going to start dividing into two strands:

– The business people who got started implementing AI tools into their business NOW
– And the ones that didn’t.

This is where the road forks. Which one will you be?


If you grab the book this week, I’ll throw in access to our HUGE list of around 8,000 more AI prompts for free (20€ value)


When you buy the book, you’re invited into a private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share ideas, and be part of a growing and thriving community of business owners who’re getting started in their AI journey like you.

You can download this book right now: it’ll be in your email inbox straight away.
And you can get started on transforming your business approach using the incredible tools of AI.

Here’s What To Do Next

We’re offering the book this week as a FREE download, reduced from our usual price of 9,99€, and you get it instantly as a PDF download.


I’m keeping the book FREE for the first couple of weeks before I have to put it up to its normal price of 9,99€; I want people to read it, and to take action. Get up to speed on this whole AI for Business thing; and let’s go forward together.

There’s No Catch

Just read the book, learn, and apply what you learn. That’s enough to make us happy 🙂

Time Is Of The Essence

Don’t get left behind. The AI revolution is happening right now and you can either get on board, or get left behind. It’s as simple as that.

You Really ARE Getting This Book For .
But you need to order now.

Thanks for reading – I can’t wait to see you in our Facebook group 🙂

P.S. AI for Small Businesses in 2024 – A Beginner’s Guide is a quick, informative read that isn’t here to bore or confuse anyone. It’ll get you up and running with AI for business in a weekend. Even if you just want to be able to impress your friends at a dinner party with your AI understanding 🙂


Get the book and don’t get left behind.